Psykologråd: mor-og-datter relation

Anon Policy Holder tells her story of how Teladoc Health’s services made a difference…


“ I got more from the 4 sessions with my psychologist than I did in 4 years of weekly therapy”.


“I booked my mental health sessions (delivered by Teladoc Health) and it was really professional, smooth and easy to use. I got a phone call more or less straightway to discuss what I needed and to organise the appointments. I was then sent a briefing note by email on what to expect, which was really great.


The communication was brilliant and so was the quality of the service. I couldn’t believe I was getting the service of my psychologist’s quality that I wasn’t paying for.


The communication from the customer service team was brilliant. They were nice, friendly and really warm, especially given the nature of what this is all about – anxiety and mental health. My psychologist phoned me on time – he didn’t cancel and kept the session to the hour, which was great.

This is very important for people with anxiety issues – timing, control, and no uncertainty, so I really appreciated it. My psychologist was absolutely brilliant – funny, understanding, friendly, and gave me some extremely useful advice and support. He followed it up with further leaflets and information that he emailed to me and that I could read through afterwards, which were really helpful.


It was an absolutely amazing experience, I got more from the 4 sessions with my (Teladoc Health) psychologist than I did in 4 years of weekly therapy.

Initially, I was so dubious, I wasn’t going to bother as I thought it was going to be a little bit like the NHS – you visit the doctor, they give you a psychologist it’s not great in my experience. But this was fantastic. I looked Michael up on the internet and I thought blimey, he’s like £100 an hour!

The service was really efficient, good quality, professional, friendly and seamless – just brilliant, I would recommend it to anybody. I’ve encouraged all my colleagues to use the service. It was well worth it – exceptional!”