Lægeråd: akut blærebetændelse

 Sophia, WeCare Policy Holder tells her story of how Teladoc Health’s services made a difference…

“ Very quickly the GP diagnosed that I was severely anaemic and that I needed an urgent blood transfusion.”


“I was feeling particularly unwell and had been off work sick for a week. I had called my own GP practice first thing in the morning and waited on hold for 45 mins at which point the phone cut off. I rang them again, and there were 15 people in the queue and I knew it would take another 45 mins.

I had to take my son to nursery, as my husband was away for work – the 15-minute walk took more than an hour and when I couldn’t walk any further (I was struggling to talk or breathe) I rang 111. They were experiencing a high call volume and the automated message advised using their online service, which I did. After completing an online form, the outcome suggested calling 999 but when I called I was told I was using the wrong service and to call 111 again. Utterly at a loss, I rang WeCare (delivered by Teladoc Health) as a last resort, not knowing what I’d get from them. A GP rang me back within 15 minutes – which was far quicker than I expected.

The GP asked my medical history and many detailed questions. Very quickly she diagnosed that I was severely anaemic and that I needed an urgent blood transfusion. She told me to hang up immediately, ring for a taxi, and go straight to A&E.

Sadly, when I presented to A&E later, I was dismissed by the duty doctor and sent away without treatment. However, because of the advice given to me by the WeCare GP (delivered by Teladoc Health), I had the confidence to push for a blood test, which they did reluctantly.

One hour later, A&E called me to say my blood results had come back and I needed to return for an urgent blood transfusion – exactly as the WeCare GP (delivered by Teladoc Health) predicted. They kept me in overnight for treatment and referred my case to a specialist for further investigations.

If I hadn’t spoken to the WeCare doctor (delivered by Teladoc Health) I would have gone home to bed. My husband was away for a couple of days and so it probably wouldn’t have been until I had missed picking up my son from a nursery that anyone would have realised I wasn’t ok.

It was interesting that the GP on the phone knew exactly what was wrong, I think it was because they took the time to investigate. She spent 20 mins on the call with me and asked all the right questions, she even told me how to check my own pulse. I felt like she gave me the time and invested in me.

I never used to think I would use a private healthcare service because I worked for the NHS for many years in the past and I have total admiration for the doctors and nurses who work there. I used the WeCare service (delivered by Teladoc Health) as a last resort in some ways and I feel bad saying this now but my GP wasn’t available, 111 was busy and I needed urgent advice.

Thank you so very much WeCare (delivered by Teladoc Health), because without your GP very explicitly advising me what I needed to do, I wouldn’t have gone to A&E and pushed for the blood test. And I don’t know what the outcome would have been if I hadn’t received treatment. I lost my voice for 4 days. My body literally decided to shut down and I was off work for a month. Well done for doing such an amazing job and for being there when all other options had failed me. I keep raving about this service to my colleagues and telling them to sign up for WeCare (delivered by Teladoc Health) because you never know when you’re going to need it!”